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The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Rules and Guidelines there under

Sl No. Subject Downloads
1 The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Rules and Guidelines thereunder
2 Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes under Forest (Conservation) 1980 Act -Guidelines for collection of Net Present Value
3 Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose under the Forest (Conservation) 1980 Act - General approval under section 2 of the Act
4 No: 4684/CS/2M-855/2019 - Zoo to be considered as a forestry activity - CCF, Headquarters, West Bengal
5 Processing of proposals pertaining to violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
6 Auto de-listing of proposalauto de-listing of proposals
7 Delegation to State Boards for Wildlife in matters pertaining to the underground lying of OFC
8 Guidelines on the Accredited Compensatory Afforestation MoEF & CC
9 Ugradation/widening of roads, constructed prior to 1980 in Forest areas
10 Processing of proposals involving violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 L & LT_2M-126_2023
11 Clarification on deposition of money to All DFOs
12 Forwarding of Re-Notification regarding use of Teesta 'B' Field Firing Range
12 Migration of proposals from PARIVESH 1.0 to PARIVESH 2.0 - Procedure for processing of proposals - reg.
13 Consolidated guidelines and clarification for proper implementation of FRA
14 Standing Committee's Decision on Sequential Consideration of Project Proposals Involving Forest and Wilflife Clearance
15 Processing of Environmental, Coastal Regulation Zone, Forest and WL Clearance cases during the period of Model Code of Conduct by the ECI
16 Priority for obtaining approval under the Van (Sanrakshan Evam Savardhan) Adhiniyam
17 Review of time taken by various processing authoritieson Parivesh