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Global Warming is one of the major concerns contemporary society. Prospects of future generation are closely linked with the current environmental concerns and thereby to the greening of the earth. To inculcate the consciousness and create the emotional bonding with the younger generation, the scheme “Sabuj Shree” was launched during 2016-17.


Objectives of the Scheme:

Increase the Green Cover of the state through plantation of more than 15 lakh seedlings per year.

To develop emotional and personal bonding between the child and the plant as it grows along with the child

To generate social awareness and concern for environment

To create asset for the child for meeting future needs.

Project Area

The entire state of West Bengal is the area of implementation of the scheme. Both the rural and urban areas proposed to be covered under the scheme. However, in urban areas, many home-less or flat dwellers will be present, who stand to get excluded from the scheme.

Project Interventions

Every child on birth in West Bengal is proposed to be gifted with valuable sapling. It is estimated that there are 15 lakh births in the state every year.

It is proposed that seedlings of valuable species suitable to the terrain like Mehogani, Teak, Gamar, Sisoo, Red Sander, Rose Wood will be gifted to the parents of the child at the time of birth.

Along with the sapling, a packet of manure, pamphlet with a note of plantation method and care to be taken will be provided.

Point of Registration: As every birth gets registered with competent authority like Municipalities, Gram Panchayats, Hospitals etc., jit is proposed that a certificate of gift will be presented to the parents, mentioning the address of the parents, contact details and the delivery point of the sapling.

Packaging: Each seedlings will be delivered in customized jute bag with a packet of manure and a leaflet providing details of the planting procedure and care to be take. Proper bags will be designed for the scheme.

Delivery System: The registration authority (Gram Panchayat/Municipality) will inform the designated nearest forest office. The forest office provides the saplings to the notified authority i.e. Gram Panchayat/Mnicipality, assisted by Aranya Bandhu/Asha worker. The actual handing over will be done by the concerned notified authority on 14th of every month.