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West Bengal Wasteland Development Corporation Ltd.

West Bengal Wasteland Development Corporation Ltd., which is a Govt. of West Bengal undertaking was established in the year 1989. WBWDC Ltd. has come a long way in the past 25 years establishing itself as a premier organisation for taking up forestry and allied activities in the State of West Bengal.

The primary objective of the WBWDC Ltd. was greening of wasteland and degraded land in the State of West Bengal along with allied forestry activities. Starting with the creation of plantations on waste land and supply of organic fertilisers to forest divisions, it gradually started diversifying into activities such as landscaping, creation of green shelter belts, timber harvesting, creation of theme parks, building nature interpretation centre and aesthetically appealing animal enclosures and roadside beautification.

The Executing Agency on behalf of GOI is West Bengal Forest Department (WBFD), through the West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society.

The project , which is of 8 years duration, is divided into 3 phases; Preparatory Phase‐2 years, Implementation Phase‐4 Years & Consolidation (Closing) Phase ‐2 Years.


The overall objectives of WBWDCL is to develop wastelands through appropriate technology and financial support for productive use. Within this framework the pertinent part would consist of treatment of wasteland through raising variety of plantations to meet economic as well as environmental needs to be raised in wasteland. The plantations not only to ensure easy availability of firewood, timber, fodder, bamboo, fruits and hast on associated forest product but also help in improvement of soil and moisture regime, the two basic physical inputs for increasing land productivity.

To acquire, purchase or obtain by lease, on contract, gift or otherwise wasteland from the Govt. of West Bengal together with other assets, properties, rights and liabilities of whatsoever nature of the Govt. appertaining to or in any way concerning such land and all rights, obligations and liabilities of the Govt. under the contract or agreement entered into by the Governor of West Bengal with any person, firm or company in relation to the said land or assets firstly in the districts of Bankura, Purulia, western part of Medinipur and other within the areas of West Bengal.

To expeditiously develop wasteland by raising plantations.

Tall Tree Nursery

Tall Tree Nursery which is spread over 7 Acres at Rajarhat is a joint venture between West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. and West Bengal Wasteland Development Corporation Ltd. The objective of creation of this nursery is to provide adequate number of tall saplings of 2 years and more in age and about 4 Ft. and above in height for plantation along boulevards, roadsides and in organisations in and around Kolkata.

This nursery will also provide high quality seedlings to purchase by various private organisations and individuals. It has been an endeavour to make the entire process of sale online for easier transactions and transparency.

Click here to browse the online sales application

Nursery Location

Tall Tree Nursery

Adjacent to Tank No. 9, Street No. 326, Action Area - I, New Town, Kolkata - 700156

+91 8697592098

Head Office Adress

WB Wasteland Development Corporation Limited

10A, Auckland Road, Eden Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Pin : 700021

Head Office Contact

033 2262-8030 , 033 2262-8031
