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West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project

Based on the Exchange of Notes between the Government of Japan and Government of India (GOI), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended a loan to implement the “West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project”.

The objective of the Project is to improve forest ecosystem, conserve biodiversity and improve livelihood means by undertaking afforestation, regeneration, wildlife management and income generation activities through Joint Forest Management approach, including institutional capacity development, thereby contributing to environmental conservation and harmonised socio-economic development of West Bengal.

The Executing Agency on behalf of GOI is West Bengal Forest Department (WBFD), through the West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society.

The project , which is of 8 years duration, is divided into 3 phases; Preparatory Phase‐2 years, Implementation Phase‐4 Years & Consolidation (Closing) Phase ‐2 Years.

Project Components

Afforestation and Allied Works

Biodiversity Conservation

Community Development

Institutional Capacity Development

Consulting Services