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West Bengal State CAMPA

In compliance to the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the Central Government has promulgated the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the State CAMPA, West Bengal has been constituted by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India ,vide their notification No. 4856(E) dated 14th. September, 2018,.

The State Government, subsequently, vide notification No. 214- FR/O/D/8M-21(Part III) dated 6.2.19 has constituted the Executive Committee of the State CAMPA under the Chairmanship of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, with the Chief Executive Officer of CAMPA as the member Secretary.

The State Government has also constituted the Steering Committee of the State CAMPA vide notification No.213/FR/O/D/8M-21/18(Part IV) dated 6.2.2019. The Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal is the Chairman of the Steering Committee and the Chief Executive Officer of the State CAMPA is the Member Secretary of the Steering Committee.

In accordance with the provisions of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, the State Government has created the posts of Chief Executive Officer, CAMPA, Joint Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chie Executive Officer, Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer, accountant, Accountant Assistant, and Upper Division Assistant, on Deputation basis to state CAMPA.

The objective of creation of this Authority is to ensure safety, scrutiny, and expeditious utilization in a transparent manner the funds received from the user agencies in connection with diversion of forest land for non forestry purposes under the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act 1980 and its subsequent amendments.

The funds received from the user agencies is to be deposited in the interest bearing sector of the Public Accounts of the State under General and Reserve Funds, The State CAMPA is the custodian of the fund and shall govern its utilization according to Approved Annual Plan of Operations for each Financial Year, and shall also be responsible for maintaining its accounts.

Activities for which the State CAMPA funds may be utilized include

Raising Compensatory Afforestation in cases of diversion of Forest Land for non Forestry purposes.

Catchment Area treatment

Implementation of Wildlife management plan where stipulated in cases of approval of forest land diversion proposals.

Assisted natural regeneration

Artificial regeneration

Protection of Forests and Wildlife

Soil Moisture conservation

Silvicultural operation in Forests

Forest Fire Control

Soil Moisture conservation

Supply of wood saving cooking appliances and other forest produce saving devices in forest fringe villages

Management of Biological diversity and biological resources

Purchase and maintenance of communication devices

Construction, maintenance and up-gradation of inspection paths,forest roads etc

Construction of residential and official buildings for front line staff deployed for protection of forests and wildlife

Survey and mapping of forest area

Payment of salary etc to regular and contractual staff of CAMPA

Management of Office establishment, etc.

The Compensatory Afforestation Fund (Accounting Procedure Rules),2018, prescribes the detailed procedure for to regulate the manner of crediting moneys to the State fund under State Public accounts , and the procedure for incurring expenditure out of this fund.